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Whether you’re buying or selling a home (or both), your success hinges upon the expert advice and services provided by your real estate agent.

I’m committed to providing my clients with professional services based on my experience, knowledge and skills.

I’ve filled this website with tips and resources to help you quickly understand what you need to know — and how I deliver the services designed to meet your needs.

If you’re selling click here to learn more about the process and how to ensure your property sells quickly and for the highest price possible.

If you’re buying click here to discover how to find your next dream home and get it, without overpaying.

I’m the agent who specializes in this local market – and has the reputation for putting you, the client, first.  Any time you want information on the market or are ready to buy or sell a property – contact me.  There’s no obligation.

I’m looking forward to learning more about your needs and goals.






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Strong finish for mediocre year in Fraser Valley real estate

January 4, 2020

After a sluggish first half of the year, property sales in the Fraser Valley started picking up speed in the summer and finished strong in December, but not enough to surpass last year’s sales totals. The Board’s Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) processed 15,487 sales in 2019, a 0.6 per cent ...

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Home Sales Firming Across the Province

December 12, 2019

Vancouver, BC – December 12, 2019. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) reports that a total of 6,616 residential unit sales were recorded by the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in November, an increase of 27.5 per cent from the same month last year. The average MLS® residential price in the province was $746,939, an ...

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Unusual end-of-year demand for Fraser Valley real estate

December 3, 2019

A combination of unseasonably high demand and declining supply reinforced Fraser Valley’s real estate market in November. The Fraser Valley Real Estate Board processed 1,405 sales of all property types on its Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in November, an 11.7 per cent decrease compared to sales in October 2019, and ...

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Home Sales Continue Normalization Trend in October

November 13, 2019

Vancouver, BC – November 13, 2019. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) reports that a total of 7,666 residential unit sales were recorded by the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in October, an increase of 19.3 per cent from the same month last year. The average MLS® residential price in the province was ...

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